Photos by Fellusch

After a super successful season 2018 in terms of rider and team development we are more than happy to have Diagnose Berlin by our side again in 2019.

To gather as much knowledge about ourselves as possible we headed out for a weekend in the countryside. This was important to get a better idea of how which riders body is functioning the best way possible. It’s about finding the strengths and weaknesses and then work with them. It’s about details. All those informations are also crucial to make lineup decisions before every race. “We” is the whole Team Standert racing team and the staff of Diagnose Berlin.

The perfect setting for this weekend was at the Gut Falkenhain where we already spent a team weekend in summer. A beautiful peaceful place without much distractions except for the beautiful scenery and the animals on the farm. We set up the pain cave in the side building and were ready to go.

Bike Fitting by Diagnose Berlin
Lactate Test in Berlin
Bike Training Optimisation by Diagnose Berlin


One after the other warmed up for the moment of truth. Being November the focus was to see the status quo and not to set any records. Diagnose Berlin has specific tests to get out everything of the riders. No hiding, no pretending, only the truth about what we’re capable of. First off is a sprint test, 15 seconds all out. Followed by a ramp test and the grand final the step test. During that Raphael of Diagnose Berlin was taking blood from the riders to get crucial insights into lactate values. All in all every rider spent about 1 hour on the bike before they were released from the pain cave. Exhausted, happy and wiser.

Team Standert with Diagnose Berlin
Bikefitting in Berlin
Bike Fitting in Berlin
Lactate Test in Berlin
Bikefitter in Berlin
VO2 Max Test in Berlin
Bike Fit in Berlin
Benedict - Diagnose Berlin
FTP Test in Berlin
FTP Test in Berlin by Diagnose Berlin

After a very long day it was time for food. A lot of food. Afterwards we sat together and Raphael presented the first results of the tests. The knowledge of Raphael and Diagnose Berlin is impressive. We never knew how different bodies can produce the same effort and what that meant for our training. Now we do. After this general overview everybody was done for the day and it was time to get some good nights sleep. The next day was waiting.

Tom at Dinner Table


On the second day it was time for some outdoor cycling. We left the Gut Falkenhain for a nice training ride. It was cold and wet but the spirits were high and the cycling in the Uckermark is beautiful.

VO2 Max by Diagnose Berlin
Berlin Bike Fitting
Team Standert - Diagnose Berlin Training
Tom at Team Standert Training
Vlamax - Diagnose Berin Training
Team Standert and Diagnose Berlin
Critical Power - Diagnose Berlin
Team Standert Training
Diagnose Berlin and Team Standert
Bike Fitter Berlin
Maxe - Team Standert
Team Standert Bikes
Kreissage Team Bike
FTP Test done by Diagnose Berlin


Tom, Maxe, Jakob, Erik

Tom - Diagnose Berlin
Maxe - Diagnose Berlin
Jakob- Diagnose Berlin
Erik - Diagnose Berlin
Thorben - Diagnose Berlin
Dan - Diagnose Berlin
Benedict - Diagnose Berlin
Silvio - Diagnose Berlin
Raphael - Diagnose Berlin
Daniel - Diagnose Berlin


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