Photos by Constantin Gerlach

We love cycling. The joy you get from riding through awesome landscapes together with your friends, all the places you see and the satisfaction you feel after a long ride.

That's the beautiful side of cycling. And because Team Standert loves it so much we want to get stronger to enjoy it faster and further and longer. And basically because they are racers. So here's a side of cycling that's a little less romantic but not less necessary. To optimize our training, set up the team for the upcoming season and track our performance throughout the year we partnered up with Diagnose Berlin. Diagnose Berlin is professionally analyzing us and our performances in various tests and with the results they optimize our individual and team training.

The goal: be the strongest cyclist you can be.

In pursuit of that goal we undergo different tests that give us new perspectives on our performance. How our bodies work and especially why they work like that and how we can change it with specific training.

What Diagnose Berlin can offer us is a holistic approach to performance testing. Where others will just set up a basic step test and then estimate values for lactate threshold, VO2max and anaerobic capacity, Diagnose has got the technical capabilities of measuring every single one of these. They set up three main tests for us. First, the Wingate test to measure peak anaerobic power and anaerobic capacity. These numbers will tell you how fast, strong and lasting your sprint or 30 second maximum power is gonna be. In order to set up a finely tuned lead out knowing these values is a real advantage. Second was a ramp test to measure maximum oxygen utilization or VO2max. We were hooked up to sophisticated and expensive machines that measure the amount of oxygen we used up all while cycling with increasing resistance. The value you will be able to achieve reflects your level of fitness as well as it predicts your performance potential. Lastly we gonna do the good old step test to set the training zones prior to training camp in March. These three tests will allow us to build individual training plans and strategies to work on our weaknesses and our strengths. Over the course of the season we will revisit these testing protocols to track progress and assess any performance gains.

Time to get into the pain cave and get the suffering going.

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