Photos by Constantin Gerlach


It’s winter in Berlin. It’s cold and wet. And as clever as we are we knew this time was coming and planned a week of training camp on Mallorca. We thought of warmth and sun and mountains and a damn good time. We got it all, except the warmth. Arriving in Palma the bus driver was already waiting for us and ready to bring us to our home for the next week. An ancient castle called Son Antem, between Santa Maria and Alaro. This impressive house immediatly made for a good team camp housing with a big room for the bikes, a huge living room with a chimney and more space than we could ask for. And it was perfectly located as the starting point for our rides. If you plan to go to Mallorca in a big group this house will be perfect. Maybe a bit cold, but we had the coldest week on Mallorca this winter anyway. After unpacking the bikes we were already off for the first ride. A short 73km loop around Valldemossa, Deia and Soller to get the legs moving. For some it was the first time going uphill. The excitment level was up for all of us and we were ready for the week ahaed of us. The second day took us 94km through Calvia, Galilea, Esporles and Valldemossa, one of the prettiest routes on Mallorca. Day three was the first big one. Soller, Puig Major and Sa Calobra. Starting in the rain and not seeing the mountains through the dark clouds we decided to go anyway and got rewarded with one of our best days on the bikes. Cold though. This day was the birth of the term “muy epico”. Photos are prettier to look at than words, especially when shot by Constantin Gerlach. So this was it for the first part. Now sit back and enjoy the first half of our week in photos.

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